NCSPlus Incorporated NCS Plus Our Only Business is Putting Money into Your Business

Highlights of the NCSplus System


The Best Value in the Industry.

No matter the age or the size of the balance, our entire fee is always less than ten percent, sometimes as low as one percent of the monies recovered. There is no "hidden percentage" charged after collection.


A Recovery Rate That Is Over Twice The National Average

NCS' unique flat-rate system enables you to recover up to twice as much money as compared with percentage based collection agencies...because our fee is the same regardless of the balance outstanding, or how old the claim is. NCS works equally hard on all accounts -- including smaller and older claims. The fixed-fee structure permits Cash Recovery System users to turn over accounts at a significantly earlier aging period which substantially increases recovered dollars


Direct Pay - Gross Remit To You

All recovered money is sent directly from the delinquent to you, not to your collection agency. NCSPlus does not interfere with your cash flow.


Is It Easy To Use?

Absolutely! You supply only the debtor's name, address and balances due, in lists, on computer tape, on NCS Claim Forms, or on-line through our web site - no cumbersome copies or backups are required. The completely computerized NCS system provides you with monthly progress reports on all active accounts. Accounts are easily reviewed and updated.


Are Delinquents Reported To Credit Bureaus?

If you wish, NCSPlus will report persistent debtors to Experian, Transunion, and Equifax credit bureaus. The debtors will be given ample warning. There is no fee charged for this important service.

The Cash Recovery System

The superior solution to accounts receivable management

The Cash Recovery System begins with a unique Audit Letter sent to confirm the outstanding balance. Professional telephone collectors then follow-up to make sure the Audit Letter was received. This high intensity personalized approach is designed to eliminate account disputes and maintain customer goodwill. Unpaid accounts receive a series of four additional collection letters, including a letter from an attorney, in which the debtors pay you directly and you pay no commission on the money you receive. Unpaid claims are immediately listed with Experian, Transunion, and Equifax credit reporting bureaus. Debts that remain outstanding may be transferred, with your approval, for more intensive action into our Secondary Phase where trained telephone collectors contact your debtors to effect payment, or if necessary, initiate legal action to recover your money.


The Cash Recovery System is a two-step accounts receivable management program that is effective and economical.

  • icon-chk-markIn its first phase, YOU PAY NO COMMISSION and YOU KEEP 100% of the money recovered.
  • icon-chk-markIf necessary, the secondary phase provides intensive collection services for accounts that don't respond to phase one.

Use this program to

  • icon-chk-markMaintain control of your accounts receivable.
  • icon-chk-markRecover your past due accounts, consumer or commercial.
  • icon-chk-markReduce your administrative costs.
  • icon-chk-markIncrease your cash flow.
  • icon-chk-markDeal with problem accounts ethically and diplomatically.
  • icon-chk-markEncourage debtors to make regular payments.
  • icon-chk-markKeep the lines of communication open between you and your debtor.
  • icon-chk-markList persistent debtors with all three national credit reporting bureaus.

With the Cash Recovery System:

  • icon-chk-markYou get professional collection services for less than $20 per account. Debts collected through the intensive collection process are subject to a competitively priced commission.
  • icon-chk-markYou can submit debts of any size.
  • icon-chk-markYou keep paperwork to a minimum by submitting debts via the INTERNET, NCS's easy-to-use claim forms, or by using your own computer printouts, tapes, disks or copies of ledger cards.
  • icon-chk-markAt no charge, you can receive up-to-date information about your collection accounts by calling our toll-free number.
  • icon-chk-markYou can use optional services:
    • -Experian, Transunion and Equifax Credit Reports to help you make better informed, credit-granting decisions.
    • -SKIP TRACE Debtor Locator Service.
    • -Litigation to bring debtor accounts to final resolution.