NCSPlus Incorporated NCS Plus Our Only Business is Putting Money into Your Business


How can I reach NCSPlus?

Our mailing address is NCSPlus Incorporated. 117 East 24th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10010. Our telephone number is (212) 213-3000. Our fax number is (212) 213-3320.

Is NCSPlus a member of the American Collector's Association?

Yes. NCSPlus has been a member of the American Collector's Association since 2006.

How does NCS report delinquent accounts to Experian, Transunion and Equifax?

Each month NCS prepares magnetic tapes that are sent to each credit reporting bureau. These tapes contain new debtor accounts being reported for the first time and updates on debtor accounts that were previously reported.

Will NCS update the credit bureaus when the debtor finally pays the account?

Yes. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires NCS to maintain records of listings with the credit bureaus for seven years. Your accounts are online in our computer system so that whenever you receive a payment and notify us, we will immediately update all credit bureaus.

Is it against the law for me to report debtors to credit reporting bureaus?

No. The Fair Credit Reporting Act expressly permits the free exchange of credit information. Experian, Transunion, and Equifax actually solicit this information from court records, credit grantors and collection agencies. NCSPlus remains the only flat-fee agency to report debtor information to the national credit bureaus at no charge.

What laws regulate the activities of collection agencies?

Collection agencies are regulated by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act administered by the Federal Trade Commission.

What is NCS's recovery rate?

Nationally we recover over 57% of the accounts placed for collection, while the average collection agency's recovery percentage hovers around 18% according to the American Collector's Association.

When should accounts be placed for collection?

The simple rule of thumb is; the sooner the account is placed for collection, the higher the recovery rate. Obviously, accounts should not be placed at 30 days past due, but a careful analysis of in-house activities usually reveals that payments received from in-house efforts drop off dramatically just after the accounts reach 90 days past due.

How can I place accounts with NCS for collection?

Placing accounts with NCSPlus can be done several different ways:
  • -Debtor information may be submitted on-line.
  • -You can use the claimforms (and mail or fax it to us).
  • -We accept listings and files generated by your computers.
  • -Our MIS department can process your mag tapes.

Why does NCSPlus recover so much more money than traditional contingency agencies?

Two reasons. First, one of the keys to recovering delinquent accounts is to refer them to the collection agency earlier. As time passes, people move, get sick, lose their jobs, file bankruptcy, etc. Many of these events make an account more difficult, and sometimes impossible to collect. When creditors are faced with the possibility of losing 30, 40 or even 50% of the collected money to the collection agency they naturally wait to place accounts for collection. According to the American Collector's Association, the average collection account is placed when it is nearly eight months past due! NCSPlus's low flat fee allows creditors to place accounts earlier on -- as early as 60 days past due -- when they are more recoverable.

The second factor that affects how much a collection agency will recover has to do with how hard they work on each particular account. When agencies are working on a contingency fee basis, they aim to maximize their bottom line -- not yours. Some agencies will work only the larger balances or the fresher balances. Other agencies may take all accounts, but really only concentrate on the local ones that keep their overhead low. When accounts are placed with NCSPlus each account is worked systematically and thoroughly regardless of its age, size or location

Can NCS collect debts for my type of business?

All businesses are different and unique in one way or another. But long experience has taught us that there is little difference between a debtor who is not paying one business and a debtor who is not paying some other business. NCSPlus is currently successfully collecting for over 25,000 businesses, institutions and professional practices in over 200 different categories of business.

How long does it usually take to collect?

The average time to resolve an account with NCSPlus is 35 days. Direct remit means that the debtor pays you directly -- there is no faster way to get your money!